From MLB's Philadelphia Phillies Message Board:
- “Phillies are notorious for exploding for a dozen or more runs and hits in a game, and then coming back the next day totally flat, offensively.”
- “here we go”
- “Hamels is nibbling and not holding runners on. Loss incoming”
- “
- “phillies need new starting pitchers sellllllll”
- “Cole is such a joke”
- “just take him outta the game already. get off your %$#”
- “F'king young. Your D blows.”
- “”His contract will rival Howards as a complete joke.” No one's contract will match that abomination.”
- “Somebody needs to remind Wheels that walks don't matter.”
- “Has Cole closed the Barn door?. Unfortunately the horses are gone.”
- “There is a hawk in my back yard and it look like it is teaching his/her baby how to catch rabbits. it caught one and now the little hawk is screaming. very annoying.”
- “Manuel's overconfidence in his hitters irks me.”
- “awful pitcher, awful manager”
- “Cole is terrible against Mr. Met.”
- “Ruiz looks terrible.”
- “Not a good idea calling Satan out on strikes.”
- “Ruiz is off the juice.”
- “Who is pitching tomorrow? Harvey? Yikes!”
- “The only thing stopping this team from contending is the fact that the payroll is too high, the talent level is too low and the farm is yielding nothing.”
- “As we celebrate the anniversary of the first landing on the Moon, I am reminded that if the Phils do not make the playoffs by one game, they had SOOOOOO many chances to win this game. Close is not good enough.”
- “The Phillies will win on Sunday Cliff the CAT is pitching.”
- “Cole Hamel's is terrible. There is no way around it, he is the biggest disappointment in baseball”
- “144 MILLION dollars to be well below average. Terrible contract.”
- “Step 1: Nibble around the plate. Step 2: Get behind in the count. Step 3: Throw a hittable 90 mph fastball directly over the plate to attempt to get back into the count. Step 4: Major league hitter gets good wood on said fastball.”
- “Jimmy has always been for Jummy, he is not a ream player. Look after the first inning HR, is sitting, laughing and talking about his HR the whole time on th bench with his shades on.”
- “Jimmys act and jimmy are getting old.”
From “Phillies Phans” Game Thread:
- “Gotta wonder how much better we would be this year and in the future had we sold high on Hamels at the deadline last year.”
- “boy does wheeler throw with such little effort.”
- “bet the house harry that they don't sniff a win tomorrow with harvey pitching. with harvey and wheeler, the mets are set up for years with a 1-2. or maybe a 1-1. Rube take a look at what a real trade looks like with the giants. need this one today. hang in there.”
- “Hamels is the single biggest disappointment of this year”
- “With that hit, Delmon Young has a higher BA than Utley and Brown”
- “Wheeler would have walked a lot of guys today if they would have allowed him to do so.”
- “oh my goodness..I can't believe I just heard announcers say the Phillies are doing a much better job this inning at showing patience…..”
- “Ruiz sure is looking bad at the plate today.”
- “Why not let Hamels bat before removing him from the game? Surely nobody thinks Nix is a better bet to get on base.”
- “Laynce Nix's last 17 AB's, 10 K's, I actually thought it would be worse than that.
1 hit
- “Here comes Antonio Bastardo”
- “WHY?”
- “Mets doing much better than Phils today getting bloops to fall in.”
- “The Mets are doing better than the Phils today at pretty much everything…?”
- “Phillies find way to lose a very winnable game.”
- “Hamels shouldn't lose to the Mets in a game in which our offense scores 4 runs.”